Climate policy should be based on empirical evidence, not computer models

Climate predictions are speculation about the future backed not by real-world data but by mathematical models. No wonder they wildly over-predict warming

By Kenneth P. Green, Fraser Institute, 2023

Much of our understanding of anthropogenic climate change, and much of the debate over climate science and climate policy, is based on mathematical computer modeling. Rarely, if ever, do we see much discussion of empirical measurements of climate change; global average temperature and sea level are rare exceptions.

But empirical measurements of climate-policy impacts, empirical measurements of changes that might or might not validate the modeled climate projections, or empirical measurement of meteorological (weather) changes, are scarce to non-existent in most media.… Read more

Report and appeal from Friends of Science

By Ron Davison, President, Friends of Science, June 19, 2023

Dear Friends of Science,

We need your help.

The political/financial assault on our children’s and grandchildren’s future is kicking into high gear at a time when “the science” behind Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) alarmism is literally falling apart. Of course, that statement is being kind.

“The science” was never sound, since there is no empirical CO2/Temperature dataset that shows CO2 driving the climate on any statistically significant historical time scale. Remember, empirical data is a basic requirement of the Scientific Method. That important point not withstanding, recent developments (outlined below) have shown the folly of CAGW alarmism.… Read more

Backgrounder: Don’t blame ‘climate change’ for intensity of B.C. forest fires

While climate change makes fires more likely, it’s poor forestry management that makes them more destructive

By Tristan Hopper, July 24, 2021, National Post

With more than 300 active fires and thousands under evacuation orders, B.C. is currently on the fast track to the most destructive wildfire season in its history.

Although the fires have become an emblem around the world of the destructive effects of climate change, many of the province’s forestry experts are pointing out that while climate change makes fires more likely, it’s poor forestry management that is helping to make them more destructive.

“Even if we were able to turn back the dial on climate change we would still have wildfires that are severe and would burn people’s houses down,” said Jesse Zeman, director of fish and wildlife restoration with the B.C.… Read more

Alberta Premier isn’t singing ‘climate change’ song—for good reason

Smith could blow up her UCP government in two minutes by sounding even faintly like federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault

By Don Braid, National Post, June 12, 2023

Danielle Smith, a very talkative premier, refuses to utter two little words: Climate change.

After her cabinet was sworn in last Friday, Smith was asked by columnist Graham Thomson: “Do you accept that climate change is driving the larger wildfire seasons, not just here but across the country?”

Smith answered that human activity causes most fires. She went on to talk about federal policies and Alberta’s agreement with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.… Read more

Bad forest policy, not ‘climate change,’ causing Canada’s forest fires

Better forest management, not curbs on carbon, would reduce fire risk

By Kenneth P. Green,  National Post, June 9, 2023

Unless you’ve been living in an underground cave, you’re aware that there’s been a massive explosion of forest-fire activity across Canada that’s sending clouds of smoke south to our American neighbours. Not surprisingly, they’re not happy — the orange skies are more than a bit reminiscent of Hollywood post-apocalyptic movies.   

Here at home, our usual opportunistic climate alarmists including Prime Minister Trudeau, Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault and the irrepressible Elizabeth May blame the flames on climate change (and not their leadership in Canadian forest policy).… Read more

Elected leaders lack education in physics

Politicians ignore the way the world actually works in favor of political narratives like ‘catastrophic global warming’ because they don’t understand science

By Michael Blair, What is Wrong with Canadian and American democracies? June 12, 2023

Over the course of human history, great minds like Fourier, Maxwell, Turing, da Vinci, Einstein and a host of others observed that nature works in somewhat predictable ways leading to the development of “laws of physics”—things like F=MA and you can’t push a rope.

This understanding allowed mankind to harness energy to develop ways to advance economic growth and improve the way humans lived migrating from caves to cities and from log cabins to high rise towers serviced by electric power, heated and cooled, impervious to the weather and comfortable to live in.… Read more

Think ‘global warming’ is causing more forest fires? The media thinks so; IPCC does not

The IPCC does not support strong claims of detection or attribution of ‘fire weather’ to climate change and is silent on trends in fire numbers and area burned. These conclusions are contrary to almost all media reporting.

By Roger Pielke, Jr., The Honest Broker, June 6, 2023

Wildfire, common to many healthy ecosystems, is a particularly challenging problem for society because of its impacts on property and health. It is also challenging because people like to locate themselves in fire-prone places and do things that ignite fires. We have learned through hard experience that complete suppression of wildfire is not the best policy — despite what Smokey Bear says — as it can actually lead to even greater and more harmful wildfire events.… Read more

The Pleistocene: Much warmer than today, but with low CO2 levels

Changes in ocean circulation patterns have a significantly larger effect on atmospheric temperature than the concentration of CO2, study finds

By Dr. Matthew Wielicki, Principia Scientific International, June 6, 2023

The Pleistocene epoch is a significant division of geologic time that occurred within the Cenozoic era, following the Pliocene epoch and preceding the Holocene epoch, which is the current epoch. The Pleistocene epoch spanned from approximately 2.6 million years ago (mya) to about 11,700 years ago.

During the Pleistocene, Earth experienced a series of repeated glaciations and interglacial periods. Vast ice sheets covered large portions of the Northern Hemisphere, including parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.… Read more

Ireland to slaughter 200,000 cows to fight ‘global warming’

Radical green agenda ‘absolute madness’

By Frank Bergman, Slay News, June 3, 2023

Ireland’s government is pushing plans to slaughter a staggering 200,000 healthy cows to fight so-called “global warming,” according to reports. The move is part of a broader plan by Irish lawmakers to meet the radical goals of the globalist green agenda.

To slash the nation’s “emissions,” the government wants to gut the national dairy herd by 10 percent.… Read more