On this page, you will find a list of some of the members and supporters of Climate Realists of British Columbia, and some of their reasons for becoming climate realists. For more details about each member, click on the name below.
- Patrick Hunt, politician, high-tech entrepreneur
- Allan F. Kiernan, P. Eng.
- Paul MacRae, journalist, university instructor (UVic)
- Cameron Ross, Maj-Gen, Canadian Armed Forces (ret)
- Ken Rowan, Chartered Financial Analyst (ret)
- William C. Weston, aviation executive
- Ken Wilson, P. Eng. (ret)
- Ken Lane, business owner
- Andrew Roman, lawyer
- Roger Palmer, P. Eng. (ret)
- David Jones, meteorologist
- Douglas Bancroft, Commander, Canadian Armed Forces (ret), environmental scientist
- Don Macnamara, professor, scientist
- Tom Gallagher, earth scientist
- Don Nightingale, business professor, consultant
- Margot Northey, retired business professor and dean
- Reg Nelson, engineer, oil refining and petrochemicals
- David K. Johnson, retired UVic academic
Patrick Hunt
BA, Royal Military College; former Royal Canadian Navy submariner; former MLA, Nova Scotia; Conservative candidate for Victoria in 2011 federal election; entrepreneur in the high-tech field for 35 years.
Why I am a climate realist
I began to look at climate change more closely in June 2004 when I observed two unrelated graphs in separate rooms at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alberta. One plotted atmospheric CO2 over 4.6 billion years of the earth’s existence and the other plotted the world’s average surface temperature over the same period. I walked back and forth between those two rooms at least 10 times to confirm my observation; there was NO correlation between the two graphs that I could observe! There was no overlapping trendline.
Afterwards, I began to research in earnest the correlation between CO2 and temperature over geological time. What I found is there is a weak negative correlation of -0.19. I then became aware of the elaborate efforts being made to silence anyone who dared question the supposed scientific consensus that anthropogenic CO2 was the primary cause of global warming. I realized that many of the arguments supporting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) narrative were not just questionable, but went against direct observation —remember the Michael Mann “hockey stick”, which showed temperatures soaring in the last few decades when temperatures were only gently rising.
Allan F. Kiernan, P.Eng.
P. Eng. BSc (Electrical Engineering U of A 1962). Career in the Western Canadian oil and gas industry focused on the design, construction, operation and executive management of pipelines, gas and oil processing plants and heavy oil production facilities. Active volunteer in industry associations and in federal and provincial politics.
Why I am a climate realist
I am a skeptic regarding carbon dioxide as the principal cause of global warming because, as an applied scientist myself, I have difficulty believing that other “scientists” would take a multi-variable, chaotic system like the earth’s climate and seize on a single minor variable (CO2) that happens to display some positive correlation with temperature only over the past 100 years, then build computer models that assign CO2 as the dominant variable, while treating the 50 other climate variables as “forcings” in an effort to match recent historical temperatures, and then try to predict future temperatures while ignoring the fundamental laws of physics and thermodynamics.
Paul MacRae
BA, University of Toronto; MA (English), University of Victoria. Worked for more than 30 years as an editor, reporter, editorial writer, reviewer and columnist for Canadian Press, Toronto Star, Toronto Globe and Mail, Bangkok Post, and Victoria Times Colonist. Left the Times Colonist in 2002 to take an MA in English at the University of Victoria; taught business and professional writing at UVic for 15 years before retiring in 2020. Author of three books: False Alarm: Global Warming—Facts Versus Fears (2010, Spring Bay Press, available on Amazon.ca), Business and Professional Writing: A Basic Guide (2015, Broadview Press), and Through the Looking Glass: A Citizen’s Do-It-Yourself Guide to Climate Science (2023, Climate Realists of B.C., available on Amazon.ca).
Why I am a climate realist
For several years I wrote a weekly column for the Times Colonist in which I was sometimes critical of environmentalism in general and the climate-change scare stories in particular. One 2007 column (see it here) contested a comment by a Vancouver-area MP that climate change was “the greatest environmental challenge the world has ever faced”–a statement that displays a profound ignorance of past human challenges and is frankly absurd. However, in a letter to the editor, UVic climate modeler Dr. Andrew Weaver accused me of “a woeful lack of scientific literacy” for daring to question the s0-called “consensus” that global warming would be a huge problem for humankind.
Although I’m not a scientist, my columns were always based in science and I considered myself far from “scientifically illiterate.” How, I wondered, could Weaver make a comment like this, especially since almost all scientifically literate people agree that science is never “certain” and “settled”? Except, apparently, for the realm of alarmist climate science, which is not to be challenged by non-scientists….

I put on my journalist’s and academic’s hat (I was already teaching at UVic) and began some serious research into the issue of climate science. I discovered a lot of sound and fury but not a lot of empirical evidence for catastrophic future climate change; most of the fear-mongering was a result of computer climate models that invariably overstated current warming. Meanwhile, the decade 2000-2010 showed almost no warming–the temperature average was basically flat–at the same time as the IPCC claimed warming was “unequivocal” and the then-head of the IPCC declared in 2008 that warming was “accelerating.” (In fact, the “pause” or “hiatus,” as climate alarmists like to call it, lasted until 2014.) I realized that alarmist climate scientists were not being straight with, or just outright deceiving, the public.
My outrage at these climate distortions led me to research and write a book, False Alarm: Global Warming Facts Versus Fears, which I self-published in 2010. It’s now more than a decade since False Alarm was published, but I would change almost nothing in the book today. However, in 2023 I did publish a book, Through the Looking Glass: A Citizen’s Do-It-Yourself Guide to Climate Science, that brings the climate story up-to-date, including an analysis of the potentially disastrous economic and social effects of current Net Zero by 2050 policies.
What hasn’t changed? Alarmist climate scientists, environmentalists, politicians and the media continue to mislead the public about the “apocalyptic” dangers of the so-called “climate emergency,” based on highly dubious, mostly computer-generated “evidence” rooted in ideology, not facts.
Cameron Ross, Major-General (ret.), CMM, CD, rec
Cam Ross, Major-General (ret’d), has 40 years of military service with the Canadian Armed Forces and 12 years in the private sector. As a United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and senior UN official in Syria, he was Force Commander of the UN Disengagement Observer Force on the Golan Heights (Syria/Israel) from 1998 until 2000. Familiar with the impacts of war, he served with the UN in Cyprus during the 1974 war and in Angola during the 1993 war.
Senior military command appointments were at the Regiment, Formation, Division and Multi-national levels including command of his armoured regiment, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians). He served in West Germany during the Cold War with the Royal Canadian Dragoons in tank, reconnaissance, and HQ squadrons. From 2010 until 2015, he proudly held the honorary appointment of Colonel of the Regiment of Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians).
After leaving active service and in Calgary, Cam Ross was President of Emergo Security and Vice-President of International Relations of Emergo Canada Ltd in Calgary, Senior Military Advisor with EnCana, and President of HCR Security International Ltd. The latter conducted strategic multi-phase security reviews of nine Caribbean countries.
His governance undertakings have included being a director on nine not-for-profit and commercial boards. With published peer-reviewed articles, his involvement in academia has included being an Executive Fellow of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary.
A graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston with a degree in international studies, he is the recipient of twelve decorations foremost of which is the Order of Military Merit in the rank of Commander. To date, Maj. Gen. Ross has lived in seven countries and six Canadian provinces plus he has visited over 70 countries on military or civilian business.
Why I am a climate realist
What is certain is that the climate is changing, and this change is impacting Canada. However, science and facts have, with absolute certainty, shown that the climate has changed over millions of years. Dinosaur remains in Alberta and glacial deposits in Ontario clearly show the impacts of changes in the climate tens of thousands of years ago.
What is also certain is that human activity has greatly increased the level of pollution in an already fragile atmosphere. Efforts to reduce toxic pollutants such as methane, and nitrogen and sulphur oxides should be vigorously supported. However, the belief that anthropogenic CO2 is the main cause of climate change flies in the face of proven atmospheric data. My more learned Climate Realists colleagues have unequivocally proven to me that data gleaned from, for example, ice core samples from Antarctica to Greenland clearly show that there is absolutely no correlation between rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures.
With these realities, as a fiscal conservative, I am dismayed by the belief by all levels of government that to curtail fossil fuel use will magically stop climate change. Government policies of achieving net-zero by 2050 without supporting business plans squanders taxpayers’ money. This money would be better spent on adaptation programmes that would mitigate the impacts of severe flooding, forest fires, rising sea levels, etc.
For these reasons, I support the goals of our Climate Realist group which are outlined on the ‘Home’ page of this website.
Ken Rowan
Honours BA; Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA); former president of Calgary CFA Society; 30-year career in the Investment/Finance industry, last 15 years as Managing Director of First Energy Capital Corp in Calgary.
Why I am a climate realist
Key Principle: I don’t want to be a victim of a harmful authoritarian lie! After 30-plus years of study and contemplation, it has become clear to me that “global warming” and its sequel “climate change”—including the alarmist half-brother “existential crisis”— is arguably the biggest worldwide hoax since the “Dutch Tulip Bubble” of the 1600’s.
Brief History: I was first aware of the growing media coverage of climate in the early 1990’s following the Rio Earth summit. I didn’t pay undue attention at the time because zealots hold conferences regularly. To me, it appeared to be a bunch of “Greenpeace types” making noise. I recalled the mid 1970’s cover of Time Magazine announcing the beginning of a “New Ice Age” and thought, “who knows what to believe? I didn’t get too worked up about it.
In the early 2000’s I was working in Calgary for an investment bank called FirstEnergy. Jean Chretien was prime minister and had recently introduced a 25 cents/barrel carbon levy. I didn’t like it at the time but it was relatively minor and I thought this was Chretien and the Liberals just paying lip service to the “global warming crowd.”
During this early new millennium era we also had a lunchtime speaker (Alan MacRae, P.Eng., a consultant with Syncrude) come into our office and make a very compelling presentation about Dr. Michael Mann, the IPCC, and Mann’s “hockey stick” theory. MacRae effectively demonstrated that Mann and his IPCC cohorts had doctored the scientific evidence and data to falsely conclude the earth was warming up at an alarming and unprecedented rate as a way to create this emerging so-called “apocalyptic crisis.”
This falsehood and coverup was subsequently fully exposed in the famous “ClimateGate” scandal of 2009. The “global warming” movement was wounded by this scandal but not seriously. The alarmists simply morphed the movement’s catchphrase from “global warming” into “climate change” and the “existential crisis.”
Following this period in the early 2000’s my awareness of the global warming/climate change movement was enhanced, but given that I was working hard as a managing director of an energy investment bank in a bull market for oil, I was too sidetracked to do much more thinking about the science of CO2….greenhouse gases….trapping heat, etc.
Stephen Harper wanted to make Canada an energy superpower while he was PM so shrill cries from the climate-change movement didn’t impact me much. Fossil Fuels were a reality of life to me. They have done more to raise global living standards in the last 100 years than any other invention or technology and Canada produced as environmentally friendly and ethical barrel of oil as any jurisdiction on earth.
Everything seemed to change for the worse in 2015 when Justin Trudeau was elected PM. Climate change was a central tenet in his ideology. He changed the name of the “Ministry of the Environment” to the “Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.” That got my attention (negatively). His environment minister Catherine Mckenna stated in an interview “The science is settled … and I have no time for deniers.”
By then I was paying attention to the whole issue much more seriously and started doing a lot of reading. My research included the likes of Tim Ball, Judith Curry, Richard Lindzen, Patrick Moore, Bjorn Lomborg and several other prominent earth and climate scientists. To reduce their work and conclusions into a few bullet points is not a simple task but for me, here are a few takeaways:
1. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a life-enhancing gas.
2. The earth has had historical periods with much higher (multiple times more!) levels of CO2 than today with no serious negative effects.
3. The earth has in the past 170 years emerged from a “little ice age” and the earth’s temperature has only risen approximately 1 degree Celsius since then.
4. The earth has been several degrees warmer on average in the past, also with no significant negative effects.
5. The sun has far more impact on the earth’s climate than CO2. Ocean currents and cloud cover also likely have more impact on climate than CO2.
6. Think about the reality of 280 ppm CO2 concentration in the atmosphere rising in the past 100 years to 400 ppm. How likely is it that 120 ppm of a trace gas (remember, a life-enhancing trace gas) that currently constitutes one part in every 2,500 in the atmosphere can cause an apocalypse? Clearly not likely!
7. The IPCC claims to be a “global scientific body” providing unbiased scientific research, conclusions and policy advice to governments. In reality, the IPCC appears to be a highly politicized organization that publishes alarmist conclusions for governments and the media. These alarmist conclusions are not even supported by the underlying research. Many prominent scientists like Patrick Moore and Judith Curry have criticized or quit the IPCC because they refused to kowtow to the official alarmist propaganda.
Conclusion: My own view of fossil fuels is (not surprisingly) positive given that I spent the majority of my professional career immersed in the Canadian oil patch. Most economists will tell you that in the past century, the global standard of living has multiplied many times over, largely on the back of relatively cheap, efficient energy (namely, hydrocarbons).
As a global citizenry we should be celebrating the existence of fossil fuels, not demonizing them! If better alternatives were readily and cheaply available I’d be supportive. They are not! The BP Statistical Review (the bible of energy macro trends) still predicts that fossil fuels will form 80% of the global energy supply in 2050.
We (Canadian citizens……..no, all global citizens) are being sold a falsehood backed by very faulty, erroneous science. Our current government and the IPCC are trying to stifle any dissent by saying that “the science is settled” or that “97% of climate scientists agree” (a complete lie) and promoting disastrous green energy policies in a very authoritarian manner. I’m doing my best to fight back by becoming a “Climate Realist.”4
William C. Weston
Col (ret.), CD, BASc. Former Vice-President Administration, Aerospace Industries Association; Executive Director, Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council; consultant in aviation and aerospace.
Why I am a climate realist
I am against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s objective of pursuing a Net-Zero Target by 2050 because of the disinformation being used and the scare tactics employed to convince the public (and scare the kids). Moreover, I believe that following such a target will be ruinous to our economy by having a deleterious effect on our fossil fuel energy sector.
Factors I’ve considered:
a. Some international political forces wish to change the economic structure of the world by destroying the fossil-fuel industry and converting to wind and solar power. Canada has been identified as a target in the process.
b. IPCC forecasting is done on computer models that use selective data. These models are hypothetical and not meant to be the basis of policy choices.
c. There has been no cost-benefit analysis of the cost to the Canadian economy to reach a Net-Zero target. It is estimated the cost will be in the trillions of dollars.
d. Even if we reduced carbon emissions to zero, this reduction would have a negligible over-all effect on temperature.
Ken Wilson
P. Eng. (ret’d), BASc (UBC, Civil), SM (MIT, Water Resources); former Water Resources Specialist with the B.C. Government; former British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS).
Why I am a climate realist
The short answer is that I wish to see major government policies being based on rational decision-making processes rather than on magical thinking or on a public hysteria that has been stoked by needless alarmism.
The long answer: When I was in Boston at MIT, between 1969 and 1971, broad environmental concerns were rapidly emerging among the general public and university students and staff about air quality, water quality, and groundwater quality, as well as about sustainability for the future. The dimensions of the Love Canal industrial-waste site were just being realized. Lake Erie was declared “dead” because of industrial pollution from Buffalo. Smog, which was already a chronic condition in Los Angeles, was now becoming common in Eastern cities like Boston in the summer. In 1970, the U.S. created the Clean Air Act. This was followed in 1972 by the Clean Water Act.
In 1968, Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb, which predicted that by the end of the 1970’s hundreds of millions of people would have died from starvation. The population of the world at the time was about 3.5 billion.
In 1971, the Club of Rome released the highlights of its Limits to Growth study. Limits to Growth was a computer study of the consequences of exponential economic and population growth in a world with finite resources. The study concluded that by the 1990’s and the 2000’s, the world would have exhausted the supply of most industrial minerals, oil, and gas, and that food prices would be rising rapidly as rising population would overwhelm the output from the land suitable for agriculture.
It was a grim forecast that had a major impact on the thinking of media outlets, academic institutions, leading industrialists, and political leaders. The report also had a big impact on the campus as MIT staff, using some of the newest computers and most powerful programming algorithms at the time, had carried out much of the technical analysis.
All these events had a galvanizing effect on the environmental movement and world opinion. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment was held in Stockholm in 1972. This was the first major international conference on the environment. The conference was attended by representatives from 113 nations and over 400 non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Maurice Strong, a Canadian, was the Secretary-General for the conference, and he became the first Director of the UN Environmental Program. He was a great believer in environmentalism and the effectiveness of NGOs in shaping public opinion and in pressuring political leaders. Subsequent UN Environmental Conferences and IPCC gatherings like the recent COP26 conference in Glasgow would often have 20,000-plus attendees, reflecting Strong’s vision on how to shape public opinion and achieve environmental goals.
These gatherings soon resembled old-time revivalist meetings, filled with noble aspirations and passions, Good versus Evil, the Nature Preservers versus the Nature Despoilers. The solution: We all need to live simpler lives and learn to live in harmony with Nature.
What was rarely recognized was that those already living closest to Nature in the developing world had had enough of Nature. They wanted the same high living standards as those living in the West. What was also not given much recognition was that the High Priests of Global Warming Apocalypse, Al Gore and David Suzuki, preferred the high life for themselves rather than the simple life that they were extolling for others.
By 1988, when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created, a primary goal of the organization was to provide scientific confirmation for the widespread belief among environmentalists and some scientists that CO2 emissions from fossil fuels were an existential threat to the planet, that fossil fuels should be replaced by green energy, that industrial demands on the planet’s resources should be reduced, and that it would be best if the world’s population could be reduced substantially. Essentially, it was Malthus redux.
In 2002, Canada ratified the Kyoto Protocol. At that time, the IPCC still had not confirmed that CO2 was the primary driver of global warming. Nor had the Canadian Government carried out any studies to determine what measures would be required to implement the Kyoto Accord. There was no examination on what Kyoto would cost or what, if any, benefits would result. It was enough for then-prime minister Jean Chrétien that Canada had agreed to cut its emissions by slightly more than the U.S., which gave us bragging rights over the Americans!
Matters have remained in pretty much the same state through to the present day. Despite its claims, the IPCC and its computer models have still not been able to prove that CO2 is the primary driver of current global warming. In fact, as the decades pass, the IPCC modeling results are diverging even further from observed weather data.
We continue to be in a moderate warming period, and have been since the end of the Little Ice Age about 1850, with a gain of about 1.07°C since then. There is nothing alarming about this rate of temperature rise. Similar warming spells occurred in the Medieval Warm Period (a thousand years ago) and the Roman Warm Period (two thousand years ago). On the contrary, the production of food and the greening of the Earth are continuing to respond well to the rising levels of CO2. CO2 is not a “pollutant.” It remains a necessity for life.
The environmentalists and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continue to depict CO2 as a pollutant that must be eliminated. Yet Green energy sources such as wind and solar continue to be intermittent, unreliable and costly, and with a greater environmental footprint of environmental damage than fossil fuels.
The imposition of Green energy measures in the UK and the EU are creating economic and social chaos, but environmentalists remain indifferent, insisting that fossil fuels and nuclear power must be phased out, even though these measures make their societies ever more dependent on Russian gas (and therefore on the good will of the Russian government).
The Canadian Government is in the process of committing us to go down the UK and EU path. The Canadian Government continues to refuse to look at the economic costs, the social costs, or the environmental costs of its policies. Meanwhile, money remains readily available to Environmental NGOs to promote their cause.
The push to adopt Green energy has become an hysteria on a classic scale. It is difficult to see how it will all end.
As Climate Realists, we must try to find ways to limit the damages that environmentalists are bent on inflicting on both Western societies and on poorer people living in the developing world.
We must continue to point out that the U.S. Clean Air Act and the U.S. Clean Water Act solved real problems. These two Acts have substantially reduced or largely eliminated most air-quality problems, water-quality problems, and even cleaned up heavily polluted sites like the Love Canal. These improvements were done in an orderly way by first identifying the nature of each problem, then identifying and implementing appropriate solutions. They are examples of rational decision-making processes in action.
We should continue to point out that alarmist claims often prove to be false. Paul Ehrlich’s prediction of imminent mass starvation did not occur due to crop failures despite the world’s population increasing to 7.5 billion. Where starvation has occurred, it has been due to a failure of government policies as in China’s Great Leap Forward, or the chronic wars that plague the Horn of Africa.
We must continue to point out that the IPCC’s models, despite the billions of dollars lavished on them, do not provide a reliable basis for formulating any government policies on global warming. We should also point out that major speculative computer studies based on a consensus of experts like the Limits to Growth study failed because the experts did not understand the governing equations and feedbacks for the phenomena that they were trying to model. It is an example of the classic computer modeling problem of Garbage In, Garbage Out. The IPCC study is a similar consensus of experts suffering from the same problem of GIGO.
In summary, despite 34 years of effort, the IPCC has not been able to provide satisfactory proof that CO2 is the primary driver of global warming, or that a global-warming apocalypse is imminent. This remains an unproved alarmist claim that should be rejected by responsible Western governments.
With regard to future climate changes, which are bound to happen in due course, we should monitor and assess whatever bona-fide climate trends do emerge, and then make decisions on how best to adapt to the emerging threats on a rational basis, not on magical thinking or mass hysteria.
Roger Palmer
P.Eng (ret.), B.Eng (McMaster University, electrical), MBA (Univ. Of Washington), LMIEEE
At Barringer Research in the late 60’s, designed electro-optical equipment for remote sensing and measurement of trace gas concentrations. Co-founded three successful electronic instrumentation companies in the mid-70’s. Joined Intermec (an early-stage company) in the late 70’s. As VP of Research and Engineering, contributed to Intermec’s rapid growth to become the world’s largest public company in the automatic identification field. Developed technologies and equipment that led to the wide-spread adoption of bar codes and other forms of automatic identification in a variety of retail, industrial, and government marketplaces.
In the late 80’s, pioneered the use of 2-dimensional symbologies and vision-based scanning. Through active participation on standardization committees at ANSI, AIAG, HIBCC, AIM, UCC, and various other industry-specific groups, developed standards for the specification, measurement, and application of machine-readable symbols. Wrote the industry-standard text book in the field (over 50,000 copies sold).
Moved to Victoria in 1994 and became a technical and business consultant specializing in strategic planning and technology evaluation. An expert witness in numerous intellectual property litigations, author of a successful text book on radio frequency circuit design. Holder of three patents.
Ken Lane
For 30 years Ken was manager of Victoria’s Royal London Wax Museum until it closed in 2010. Before that he worked in farming and ranching in Alberta and has a degree in Agricultural Economics. He is active in community organizations, including Rotary, Lions, and the Victoria Chamber of Commerce.
Why I am a climate realist
As a “red-neck” Albertan whose formative years were spent farming/ranching, for which weather conditions were almost a daily concern, the “leap” to studying climate change is perhaps not too big a stretch, even with my degree in Agriculture Economics. The bulk of my career, however, was in tourism generally, the museum/attractions sector specifically, as The Royal London Wax Museum was very much a family business.
It was after the government-forced closing of the business that I became aware of the climate-change issue, noting the malevolent denunciations and false accusations of Dr. Tim Ball’s straightforward presentations on the changing climate, based largely on recorded data from the Hudson’s Bay Company. My increasing interest in why’s and wherefore’s of the responses, having recognized the validity of HBC data, set the foundation for my study of Earth’s ever-changing climate.
More than a decade now has been spent engaged in this issue, with an increasing recognition that the human-caused climate-change (global-warming) hypothesis is complete pseudo-science … very much a political contrivance that has no real foundation in actual science.
The reality-check challenge is significant as, for example, it was in 1987 when virtually every meteorological outfit was hijacked to become the public face of climate fear. The World Meteorological Organization co-founded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and weather reports worldwide are now showpieces of climate activism.
Tracing the flow of unending propaganda back to the source(s) leads one to the UN’s IPCC, and WHO, the World Economic Forum, and the Council of the Club of Rome. All seem intent upon fashioning a one-government world by convincing populations of the world that they are all guilty of destroying Mother Earth.
As the Council of the Club of Rome wrote: “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
Andrew Roman
BA Economics & Political Science, McGill, 1964; Juris Doctor, Osgoode Hall Law School, 1971. Special Assistant to a Minister in Pierre Trudeau’s government. Practiced public interest law for 16 years representing low-income consumer groups, First Nations, women’s and environmental groups. Retained by Ottawa to help train Canada’s first environmental assessment scientists and to draft their rules of procedure.
Acted as counsel to these federal scientists in their assessments of the Beaufort Sea and Voisey’s Bay projects. Legal/policy adviser to Ontario’s Macdonald Committee and Energy Ministry in the restructuring and privatization of parts of the former Ontario Hydro. Worked on teams drafting a variety of laws for the Federal and several provincial governments. Appeared before numerous administrative tribunals and at all levels of court in most provinces of Canada and in the Supreme Court of Canada
Taught as an adjunct faculty member at four Canadian law schools. Author of more than 90 published legal articles and a book. Practiced law with Miller Thomson, from 1989, mostly representing corporate and government clients, both domestic and international, and then on his own until his full retirement from law in 2017.
Currently writing articles that have been published by the Financial Post and the Fraser Institute, and a popular blog on legal and environmental subjects: https://andrewromanviews.blog/
David Jones
Meteorologist, owner of Powder Picker blogsite
Why I am a climate realist
See also YouTube video on “Why I am a Climate Realist.”
In 2017, when I retired from Environment Canada, I believed the carbon dioxide humans were adding to the atmosphere was a serious problem. To do my part reducing it, I’d purchased a hybrid vehicle and expected my next vehicle would be fully electric.
In 2018, while skiing, I met an economist. Upon learning I was a meteorologist, he peppered me with many questions about climate and carbon dioxide. He’d done his homework, clearly knew far more than me, and had doubts about the legitimacy of many climate claims. I had no answers. I was extremely embarrassed by my ignorance.
Not wanting that to happen again, I began a deep dive into climate. While employed at EC, whenever I had questions about climate change I’d ask a senior climate researcher in the office. When I mentioned the arguments of contrarians, my colleague disparaged these individuals. I presumed he knew the field—after all he was a climate scientist!—and blindly accepted the ad hominem attacks. I even repeated them to others, something I deeply regret.
Naturally, my dive into climate began with these contrarians and, to my great surprise, my take on climate change shifted in a direction I never expected. Today I fully appreciate the contrarian arguments of many great scientists. I no longer consider human-added carbon dioxide a serious problem and I’m surprisingly comfortable with Tony Heller’s claim that the hysteria is rooted in a hoax. That’s quite a switch for a former EC spokesman who spent all of his career publicly accepting and hence promoting the orthodox view.
The media and spokesman experience gave me insight into how the media works and forced me to recognize the responsibility and (ugh!) privilege that role entails. As you know, I’m a slow learner, but after many mistakes, I learned to speak only to my own expertise—B.C. weather—when the camera rolled.
I began deferring to hydrologists, fire-weather forecasters, and avalanche professionals when media or emergency planners had questions about flooding, forest fires, and avalanches.
I also developed an intense distaste for what Thomas Sowell calls elitism and I call Pretendology. That is, academics leveraging their expertise, PhD, media exposure, or Nobel Peace Prizes in one discipline to pretend they are experts in another. When it comes to weather, unfortunately every Ted, Dan and Harry in academia or media now make unchallenged claims to expertise in meteorology. Strangely, meteorologists and the professional society to which most belong — the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society — remain silent about this fraud.
I cannot. Perhaps it’s my familiarity with the media and the awful celebrity game it entails driving me to speak up. Unfortunately I no longer have influence with either the media or the emergency management community, my two former key clients.
I joined the Climate Realists group because I share their concerns about where a hysterical mass delusion is taking Canada. My next car will not be electric.
Douglas Bancroft
Commander (ret’d), OMM, CD, MSc. Former: NRCan Director-General, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing; DFO National Director, Oceanography and Climate Science; Environment Canada Director, Canadian Marine and Ice Services.
Don Macnamara
BGen (ret’d), OMM, CD, MA (Nuclear Safety), DScMil(Hon) – former: Associate Professor International Business and Strategy, Queen’s University; Chair, Board of Governors, Royal Military College; Vimy Award 2013 recipient; Director, International and Strategic Studies, National Defence College.
Tom Gallagher
MSc – GeoScientist, Mineral Science, International Earth and Ocean explorationist and researcher, educator, small business owner. Email: magnumy2k@gmail.com
Don Nightingale
Professor Emeritus, Queen’s University School of Business; founding Director Queen’s Executive Programs; former President Queen’s Faculty Association; consultant to governments and diverse Canadian and international businesses.
Margot Northey
MA, PhD. Retired Professor and Dean, Queen’s University School of Business; former Associate Professor Western University (Ivey Business School) and University of Toronto. Author of two best-selling books on communication; former Director of six Canadian businesses and diverse not-for- profit organizations.
Reg Nelson
BSc, (University of Alberta, Mech Eng). Over a 40-year career in oil refining, petrochemicals, power generation, including senior management positions, plus extensive project work with Oil Sands clients. Now retired and still a farmer.
David K. Johnson
UVic academic, ret.