The astonishing cost of our net-zero delusion: Australian documentary

It is impossible to overstate the stakes if the world’s energy transition runs off the rails—and it will

By Chris Uhlmann, Sky News of Australia, Nov. 19, 2024

The discord between reality and rhetoric is playing out in real time as the politics driving a warp-speed shift from predictable electricity generation collides with the physics of delivering constant power with inconstant supply.

It is impossible to overstate the stakes if the energy transition runs off the rails. Electricity is civilisation’s nervous system; without it, everything will collapse. What is happening is akin to conducting a proof-of-concept experiment on an incubator with a child inside.… Read more

Think you can live without oil? Think again…

Fossil fuels are part of almost everything we use, from cars to clothes. Those who call for elimination of oil industry are massively uninformed or simply deluded. 

By Herb Pinder, Western Standard, Nov. 16, 2024

Recently a professor from the University of Regina, Emily Eaton, proposed that we stop subsidies to oil and gas companies and no longer consume fossil fuel energy. She has funny ideas: Unlike electric vehicles, battery manufacturing, solar panels and other beneficiaries, the oil industry is not subsidized. 

These comments follow those of editorialist Phil Tank of the Star Phoenix, a month or two ago, also suggesting oil production in Saskatchewan should cease and desist.… Read more

U.S. ecosystems are remarkably adaptable to effects of ‘climate change’: A report

By Dr. Susan Crockford, Heritage Institute, Oct. 1, 2024

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and others predict that global warming caused by increasing carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels will have profoundly negative effects on plant and animal ecosystems in the U.S. and around the world in the coming decades. It is predicted that effects will negatively impact the provision of market goods and services produced from these ecosystems. … Read more

Increased CO2 and innovation are mitigating effects of drought on U.S. crops and forest productivity

Alarmists predict ‘climate change’ will cause forests, cropland and rangeland to decline. The opposite is true

By Dr. Susan Crockford, Heritage Institute, Nov. 7, 2024

Contrary to predictions that changes in climate are going to cause forest, cropland, and rangeland productivity to decline over time, recent data show that the known fertilizing effect of additional carbon dioxide (CO2)—which is literally food for plants—has offset many of the predicted adverse effects by enhancing drought tolerance and plant growth. … Read more