Canada’s EV strategy will cost $4- million per job, with an uncertain return

Chrystia Freeland’s ‘new economy’ is fuelled by old-fashioned subsidies

By Jack Mintz, National Post, Jan 26, 2024  

With Canadian GDP per capita dropping like a stone, what would you expect our minister of finance, Chrystia Freeland, to say last week at the elite Davos confab? “Come to Canada! We have $135 billion to give you!” is what she did say. Given our poor investment performance, it seems the only way to attract capital is to offer billions of tax dollars to foreign multinationals.

But not just to any company that might want to invest in Canada. Freeland’s $15-billion Canada Growth Plan and $120-billion in tax credits constitute an industrial policy skewed toward clean energy, critical mining (e.g.,… Read more

Freeze in the dark? Or get rid of the Trudeau Liberals?

Near-power shutdown in Alberta is a clear warning about the folly of Net Zero by 2035 electrical grid policies

By Leo Dupire, Proud to be Canadian, Jan. 18, 2024

Have you heard what happened in Alberta last weekend? On Saturday, faced with -40 degree temperatures, some key generators going offline, and record high usage during the bone-cold chill, the province hit a temporary electricity crunch: not enough supply to meet peak demand.

The electricity operator even had to send out an emergency text alert, asking everyone to conserve power.  Fortunately, the people listened, and electric usage dropped by 200 megawatts within two minutes.… Read more

EV battery bill a ‘wake-up call’

ICıÇ writes off car after owner quoted $60,000 to replace slightly damaged battery unit

By DER­RICK PEN­NER, Vancouver Sun, Dec 21, 2023

A Vancouver electric-car owner was shocked to learn earlier this fall that seemingly minor damage to his car’s battery required replacement of the unit and was quoted a $60,000 repair bill — more than the list price for a new car.

The owner was told the damage voided his warranty on the 2022 Hyundai Ioniq 5, forcing him to file a claim with ICBC, which simply wrote the car off due to the extraordinary cost.… Read more

Media-induced fear of global warming, not global warming, is damaging our mental health

Climate anxiety makes no sense—humanity has survived heat waves for thousands of years without air conditioning. We can adapt to current and future ‘climate change’ if we don’t lose our cool

By Allysia Fin­ley, Wall Street Journal, July 31, 2023

The media wants you to know it’s hot outside. “‘Heat health emergency’: Nearly half the US at risk,” CNN proclaimed last week as temperatures climbed above 90 degrees in much of the country.

If heat waves were as deadly as the press proclaims, Homo sapiens couldn’t have survived thousands of years without air conditioning. Yet here we are. Humans have shown remarkable resilience and adaptation—at least until modern times, when half of society lost its cool over climate change.… Read more

Ireland to slaughter 200,000 cows to fight ‘global warming’

Radical green agenda ‘absolute madness’

By Frank Bergman, Slay News, June 3, 2023

Ireland’s government is pushing plans to slaughter a staggering 200,000 healthy cows to fight so-called “global warming,” according to reports. The move is part of a broader plan by Irish lawmakers to meet the radical goals of the globalist green agenda.

To slash the nation’s “emissions,” the government wants to gut the national dairy herd by 10 percent.… Read more