Developed nations don’t owe Third World climate damages—quite the opposite

If reparations are compensation for costs due to CO2 emissions, high-emission countries might themselves be owed something because of the clear benefits of the CO2 they have been generating.

By Steve Am­bler ,Fi­nan­cial Post, Nov 29, 2022

The recent COP27 climate meeting in Sharm el-sheikh floated the idea of reparations for climate change: developed countries would pay poorer countries for their losses from it. The economic argument for reparations is simple. CO2 emissions are causing warming. This involves an indirect cost that has no market price, an “externality” in economists’ terms. This externality should be compensated.

There is just one small problem, however.… Read more

Biden blames the Saudis for an energy crisis he created

There’s an easy way for America to prevent another shock in world markets: Produce more oil.

By Mohammed Alyahya, Wall Street Journal, Oct. 13, 2022

The Biden administration plans to “re-evaluate” America’s eight-decade-old alliance with Saudi Arabia because of the OPEC+ decision to cut oil production. But the White House posturing looks like a bid to distract from the effects at home of Washington’s failure to pursue a successful transition to clean energy.

Blaming Saudi Arabia, or OPEC+, or Vladimir Putin, for an energy crisis that results from a policy of switching from carbon fuels to “clean energy”—on the basis of what look like utopian assumptions—is disingenuous.… Read more

Saskatchewan fights back against Ottawa climate measures that stifle its resource and farming industries

In a White Paper, the province seeks more autonomy within Confederation, similar to Quebec’s, to develop and market its resources without federal interference. The alternative is staggering costs for the province’s industries, farmers, and citizens

Federalism has been far from perfect in addressing challenges faced by Saskatchewan in fulfilling the province’s destiny and reaching its fullest economic potential. This prompted Premier Scott Moe to proclaim that “Saskatchewan needs to be a nation within a nation,” similar to how the Province of Quebec operates with broader powers within Confederation.

In light of recent federal commitments and actions, the Government of Saskatchewan is exploring all options to fully assert our existing powers, rights and privileges under the Constitution.… Read more

Energy transition is transitioning away from green in favor of energy security

Canada has so far escaped Europe’s and America’s rising energy costs, but the world’s rapid shift to energy security through fossil fuels is putting upward pressure on fossil-fuel prices and our luck is unlikely to hold. This winter’s prices of natural gas, gasoline and in particular diesel will tell the tale

By Henry Geraedts, Financial Post, Nov. 10, 2022

What a difference a year makes. Last year’s COP26 message of green energy as a panacea for climate risk has been replaced by a global shift prioritizing energy security and putting hydrocarbons back to front and centre.

Absentee leaders from COP27 include: India, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and even Canada.… Read more

The sun, not carbon dioxide, is the ‘control knob’ of climate

The cooling that will accompany the coming ‘Grand Solar Minimum (GSM)’ will be a lot more devastating than any heating caused by rising CO2

By Ron Davison, ‘Open Letter’

Based on my look at the data (and I’ve looked at a lot), there is no empirical data on any time scale showing that CO2 is a significant climate driver. Conversely, an abundance of data shows that the sun directly or indirectly (i.e., through ocean cycles, modulating cloud cover, etc.) has a significant effect on the Earth’s climate on many different time scales.

Very simply, the climate cannot be accurately modelled by a computer because it is a non-linear chaotic system that has hundreds of input parameters (not just CO2, which is a small component).… Read more

The true cost of renewable energy—astronomical if you include battery storage  

There is a huge and growing hole in the future of Britain’s electricity supply, with no explanation of how the gap will be filled.

By Ross Clark, The Spectator, Nov. 16, 2022

Having delivered his platitudes on climate change at Cop27, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak returns to a more pressing problem: how to keep Britain’s lights on this winter.

Last week it was revealed that the government has been wargaming a ‘reasonable worst-case scenario’ in which blackouts last up to a week. Whether those fears prove unfounded or not, there is a huge and growing hole in the future of Britain’s electricity supply, with little to explain how it will be filled.… Read more

If you can’t beat climate skeptics, censor them

U.S. alarmists hope to silence critics of anthropogenic warming and Net Zero plans as creators of ‘climate disinformation’

Editorial, The Wall Street Journal, OCT. 6, 2022

Now that Elon Musk has bought Twitter, the hopeful view for online speech is that his rockets-and-flame-throwers heterodoxy might be an answer for what ails social media. He won’t have it easy. More than a dozen environmental outfits, including Greenpeace and the Union of Concerned Scientists, have written to the big tech companies to blame them for “amplifying and perpetuating climate disinformation.”

What the letter asks for sounds modest, but the implication is clear. The Digital Services Act recently enacted by the European Union includes transparency rules, and the green groups want Silicon Valley “to commit to including climate disinformation as a separately acknowledged category in its reporting and content moderation policies in and outside of the EU.”… Read more

Why elites like Greta Thunberg hate capitalism

Free markets have lifted millions out of poverty, liberated women, and protected the environment. Why, then, are so many progressives against them?

By MIchael Shellenberger, Nov. 4, 2022

For the last three years, Greta Thunberg has said that her life’s purpose was to save the world from climate change. But last Sunday, she told an audience in London that climate activists must overthrow “the whole capitalist system,” which she says is responsible for “imperialism, oppression, genocide… racist, oppressive extractionism.” Her talk echoed the World Economic Forum’s calls for a “Great Reset” away from fossil fuels and toward renewables. There is no “back to normal,” she said.… Read more

Open letter from Clintel to global leaders at COP27 in Egypt

UN’s climate measures, based on overheated computer models, are having an unprecedented negative impact on the world’s prosperity and well-being. It’s time for a rethink

By Global Climate Intelligence Group (Clintel), Amsterdam, Nov. 1, 2022

Your Excellencies:

By the year 2030, historians will wonder with amazement how it could happen that the UN in previous decades had proposed far-reaching climate-related measures that totally failed to arrest global warming, but instead would have the unintended consequence of an unprecedented negative impact on the world’s prosperity and well-being.

They will wonder why many people at that time unquestioningly believed in an “existential climate crisis.”… Read more