Temperature in Canadian cities: Where’s the scary warming?

By Paul MacRae, March 15, 2022

Weatherstats.ca is a website that offers data on weather conditions in Canadian cities now and over time since 1913. The site draws its data from Environment and Climate Change Canada and so should be fairly reliable.

Astonishingly, as economist Ross McKitrick pointed out in a 2019 Vancouver Sun article 1, the site shows that for more than a century the average temperatures for most Canadian cities have been pretty much flat. Yes, flat.

Figure 1: The IPCC’s “hockey stick” graph, which shows massive warming in the 20th century

If you are looking for the IPCC’s “hockey stick,” which is flat for centuries with massive temperature zooms in recent times (Figure 1), you won’t find it in the Canadian city data, or in the data for most of the world’s cities.… Read more

Global warming myths: A ‘sixth mass extinction’

Claims of a modern ‘human-caused biotic holocaust’ are based on computer models and guesswork, not scientific facts

By Paul MacRae, Climate realists of B.C., June 24, 2024

In a popular textbook on writing creative non-fiction, the authors echo a familiar claim of global-warming alarmists: that thanks to our carbon emissions, we are in the midst of a “sixth mass extinction” that will wipe out most of the planet’s animals and possibly humanity itself. The authors write:

Your [the reader’s] life has witnessed the eclipse of hundreds of thousands of species, even if they passed out of this world without your awareness.

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Jeffrey Foss: Why I am not an environmentalist

By Jeffrey E. Foss

Note: This is a slight update of a lecture by our Climate Realists colleague Dr. Jeffrey Foss, philosophy professor emeritus at the University of Victoria, given in December 1999. The talk caused a controversy—as Foss notes, he was attacked by environmentalists for embracing science rather than nature, and by scientists for not embracing environmentalism.1 In fact, as you will see below, Jeff proposed an environmentalism that embraced humanity as a creation of and friend of nature, rather than, as so many environmentalists believe, nature’s enemy. Jeff died in March, 2022. He will be missed by all of us.Read more